Your hair fall during college days

Stress is one factor that cause of hair fall of a teenager.

Where the teenager get their stress?

During those school days let us admit that meeting the expectation of their of parents is one factor.

But the major factor is delivering their  project assignment, passing quizzed and exam.

When we are working on a project we usual feel stressed out because of circumstances.

When we are preparing for exam somewhat we feel also stress.

When we about to graduate and about passing the major requirement to earn an degree such  as thesis, it  make us busy to focus on complying these work. However, when things are falling apart we felt stress on works.

Sometimes when we take a bath we noticed that we are having some hair fall but we just ignored it and make no action to treat it

But after your college days, a new beginning, a new life to face and new stress that we need to coup.

However we forget that treat the issue on our hair fall until  we realize it was long way run to treat the issue.

When you start having hair fall during your school days start using Minoxidil Isac to treat the issue on your hair fall.


Minoxidil Isac

Minoxidil Isac

This is available is 30mL and 60ml, you can buy this in leading drugstore nationwide.




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