On the Go, Toiletry Bag

-Dermplus Moisturizing Sunblock SPF 24, Since the  summer season began I have to protect my skin from sun heat.

Dermplus Sunblock

Dermplus Sunblock

-Facial Moisturizer, My turns dry since I was exposed to computer radiation, so to make my face skin soft and pliable I used Master Oil Control Max.

Master Oil Control Max Facial Moisturizer

Master Oil Control Max Facial Moisturizer

-Facial Wash, I always see to it that my face look fresh.

Master Facial Wash

Master Facial Wash

-Body Spray, I always see to it that I smell fresh. My favorite Black Water Sport 4

Black Water Sport 4

Black Water Sport 4

-Tooth Paste, Mouth Wash Dental Floss, to make my mouth fresh and my teeth clean

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