An interview with Ms. Love Anover

While I am on my way to work I saw Ms. Love Anover News Anchor of GMA interviewing a women in a foot bridge near SM North Edsa.

I said in the back of my mind that I will post on my wall of facebook that I saw her. However, after pass her group. I realize my friends would not believe me. Since I have my Nikon D3200 on my carriage I decide to take a photo of her while she was doing an interview with a woman. However I failed to capture one when I tried to press the shutter button of my camera. I check the setting because of thinking that the lighting issue, when I tried again the camera prompt me that the battery where almost drained. I turn off my camera and I tried to get my O+ 8.7 Mobile to capture the moment.

However, I still failed to capture the moment since the time that I getting to use my mobile, her interview with the woman was done and rushed to area of foot bridge where I am standing.

Ms. Love ask me for interview about my perspective in our country unemployment, I did not refuse but I share my thought to her.

Question 1: In my point of views why there a lot of filipino are still unemployed?

Answer: Because of laziness, God has given us opportunity but we still don’t work and accept what he has given. Why laziness, there is lot of Job Opening Today and given that some people finished their study but their gained skill and knowledge are mismatched to job market demand. If  and individual want to land to a position he preferred, and he knows that he is under qualification then he must find way and to land job. Some of us accept what we have now and some does not want to go up and progress in his life. Another point of laziness other that people don’t want to progress being dependent on the giver. I believe of us blessed with skills that we can use to success, or to get what we wants. All we need to do is discover it, enhance  it, and us it.

Question 2: Do you believe that we filipino after we finished our studies want to work office scheme and and payed higher than minimum wage?

Answer: Yes, I am one of the filipino who use to think of that. But sad to say, it not what happen. I share my past experience and what I am now.

Question 3: What I can share to my countrymen to succeed?

Answer: Faith in God, believe that God want us to success, Work Hard and Save, don’t spend money if not necessary.

Then afterward I go to jeepney terminal.


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