Topical Lotion for Hair Loss Problem

Last year my friend noticed that my hair line recedes too much. She told me to use to topical lotion named Minoxidil. I ask her if she’s talking about Minoxidil Regroe. And she replied that she’s not sure. Since there is one product I know in our local market that has a tag Minoxidil. I already think that she talking about Regroe. To clarify if I am thinking that I mentioned the right product name she was mentioning, I ask her the detail of the product packaging. She told me it was on a blue box with a silver label. Then it confirms the question that she is talking about the Regroe. Minoxidil Regroe It is a hair regrowth treatment and you can buy it on drugstore.  I know the product since I frequent go to drugstore to buy my vanity stuff I saw Regroe in their rack. Also I saw their ads in a health magazine. She told me that is very effective hair loss prevention treatment. She said that her father uses the product. I remember when I saw her father he has a thick and healthy hair. She also cited another person she knows that uses the product just to convince me to solve my hair loss problem. After all the conversation we have still I didn’t not bother to follow her advised to use the product.

The factor of my hair loss is both heredity and stress. I will not discuss further about the heredity but rather more of the stress. Working with project and dynamic phase is very stress that causes too much of hair fall. Also sometimes I loose time to think about myself during on that project time lengths.

To hide my hair loss problem to other people, every time I visit a hair stylist I always asked him for a haircut that would to my face shape and it would not look that I am suffering from hair loss.

But the time has come and I can’t hide it anymore and pushes me to buy and use a hair loss treatment product. At first I was thinking to try the competitors brand since of the claim that it was very effective. However if I want to know if the product will for effectively that competitors brands is too much. So I decide to take the advised of my friend. After the stressful routine of my day I decide to visit a drugstore outside the mall in Quezon City and buy 60ml of Minoxidil Regroe.


The pack contains Information booklet and 60mL Minoxidil 5% Regroe. When I arrive home, I start reading the information booklet to know more about the product and expect what effect or adverse reaction will happen when I use Regroe. After reading the booklet I start using the Regroe.

Before applying the topical lotion I wash my scalp with mild shampoo as it says in the direction. I dry my scalp with a towel. I soaked a cotton ball in 40% alcohol and rub on the bald area.   The spray eight times to get the full dose (1mL) and massage the bald area in circular motion where I sprayed the lotion. Below is my picture before using  the product:


My Hairline

After 3 days of applying the solution I feel mild burning and irritation sensation in the bald area of my head. And on the 10th day I am using the product I felt itching and feel like that I have dandruff. When I tried to check in the mirror I saw small soft hair in that bald area. If you have a poor I sight doubt you would see it. Now the below picture is the result I have attained  by using Regroe:


The Growing Hair Shaft

If you noticed my picture, specially in bald area of my head you will see that there is gray to black color spot those are the small thin soft hair that starts growing.

After consuming the 60mL Regroe and with the results I have attained. I don’t hesitate to  buy 120ml for longer use.


MINOXIDIL Regroe 120mL

If you are like me who suffer from hair loss or starting his hair line to recede give a try on this product. I am sharing my experience on these product as my friend shares her fathers’ experience.

Related Link:

2 responses to “Topical Lotion for Hair Loss Problem

  1. Hindi ba naglagas buhok mo during the 1st to 3rd week of use?? i just want to ask if sever ba yung pagkalagas…normal reaction daw yan to prove that the product is really working.

    • My Hair fall is sever, I remember that every time I take a bath in the morning before I was using Minoxidil and Pregroe, I noticed a lot hair strands fall in the floor. In the second picture where I was wearing white, I focused the camera on gray area of my head. That area has no growing hair for the past year. On the second week of using the product that notice a small hair shaft on that area.

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